Reflecting on 2018

Outlive wants to say THANK YOU for an amazing 2018. We’ve been blessed to have awesome clients and projects this year. We’re also proud that we were able to implement our Giving Back program that we started in September where a percentage of our earnings is donated to BRIDES FOR A CAUSE and 1% FOR THE PLANET. We are super excited to see what 2019 will bring us. We couldn't have done it without you!

4,846 Miles

Farthest Place Traveled


Donated to People in Need & the Environment


Rolls of Film Shot


Videos Uploaded


Flights with the Drone


Contractors Who Helped Us


Places Traveled


Hard Drives Purchased


Broken Cameras


Sprained Ankle

Here are some fun projects that we worked on this year:

Tito’s Handmade Vodka: Outdoor Adventure Dogs

The goal for this program was to create, execute, and distribute a series of films that will spread the word on Vodka for Dog People; a program created to unite friends, fans, and partners to better the lives of pets and their families far and wide. Flight time from June-August and November-December 2018.

Mo’orea, French Polynesia

Cynthia and Bryan got married in Mo’orea; a humble, beautiful island off of Tahiti. They discovered us by walking by our former studio loft last year and trusted us 110% to travel 5,000 miles to capture their intimate elopement in the remote corners of the South Pacific Ocean.